Published onJuly 6, 2024ABP React Template V2reactnextjsabpdotnettailwindcssradixuishadcnVersion 2 of React Starter Template for ABP application with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and shadcn-ui.
Published onJuly 3, 2024OpenID Connect with Next.jsnextjsauthoidcopenid-connectiron-sessionopenid-clientIn this post, we will see how to implement OpenID Connect with Next.js.
Published onAugust 18, 2023Cert Manager and Nginx Ingress Controller on AKS Cluster with static IPaksazurekubernetesterraformacrIn this we will setup Cert Manager and Nginx Ingress Controller on AKS Cluster
Published onAugust 16, 2023Create AKS cluster and ACR with TerraformaksazurekubernetesterraformacrIn this we will create Azure Kubernetes (AKS) cluster and Azure Container Registry (ACR).
Published onAugust 14, 2023Azure Deployment for .Net - Introduction - Prerequisitesazuredotnetgithubgithub-actionsterraformkubernetesakscloudflarehelmcert-managernginx-ingress-controllerdockerazure-container-registryThis is the introduction to the Azure Deployment for .Net series.